Tips of improving fire alarm system

Fire alarm systems had not been invented before, and people put out the fire after it explodes like a fire extinguisher with water.

Discovery of new fire extinguishing agents

Subsequently, new extinguishing agents such as FM200 and CO2 were discovered that turned out to be more effective than water in certain applications. These fire extinguishers should be used in place of water in certain applications. For example, if the electrical cables are on fire, then you should not use water to extinguish them, but use a non-conductive agent such as carbon dioxide CO2 at a certain pressure to set the area on fire. The use of these special extinguishing agents in addition to water must be accompanied by the safety precautions established to protect people from exposure to these agents, which can cause a risk of suffocation.

Conventional fire alarm system

Regardless of the extinguishing agent used in the fire suppression system, a well-designed automatic alarm system must provide the correct logic to maintain safety. The first fire alarm system invented is the conventional one. In this type of fire protection system, automatic fire detectors are placed in the areas where they are implanted, in the areas that need to be covered and protected from burns. These detectors work when your criteria are met.

For example, the smoke detector activates an alarm if smoke enters the smoke detector chamber and obstructs light rays from inside. In addition, the heat detector triggers an alarm when it detects that the heat has reached a threshold value. There are many types of automatic detectors on the market (smoke, heat, flame, carbon monoxide, beam detection, and more).

Addressable Fire Alarm System

In the conventional type of alarm system, the area to be protected against burns is divided into zones. Each zone contains several detectors. Regardless of the number of detectors, all detectors should be viewed as one detector for the main control panel. The control panel sees the entire area as a detector. This means that each detector detects a fire and triggers an alarm signal. In the event of a fire, the entire zone is displayed (no point addressing).

On the other hand, in the addressable type of detection system, the main control panel can individually address each point or detector in the electrical circuit. The addressable system is considered more advanced and developed than the conventional one and, of course, it is more expensive. However, it gives firefighters a huge advantage, as they can reach their destination accurately and definitively, saving them money if they catch fire at an early stage.

Wireless Fire Alarm Systems

Applying the same concept of addressable system, but in this case it is wireless signals. The wireless system uses radio frequency technology and uses electromagnetic waves to transmit alarm signals. All points in the system are electrically independent. However, all data lines are wirelessly connected to the main alarm center.

The wireless alarm system comes in handy when installed in places where it is difficult to lay cables and carry out work like museums. However, their efficiency will be poor if they are installed in areas with a lot of steel structure, which will attenuate and damage the alarm signal.

After all, everyone should know the basics of fire alarm systems, as it is important today to protect your wealth and family.